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Unsere Beiträge

  • Feminizidmap (2024). “Femizide in Deutschland: »Es wird oft auf Partnergewalt verengt«”. In: Junge Welt (2024-04-13) interview

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  • Beeck, Hannah and Aleida Luján Pinelo (2022).“Feminicide and Violence Against Women”. Organized by Goethe-Institut in cooperation with ICI Berlin. talk

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  • Beeck, Hannah (2022). Frauenmord beim Namen nennen. Ein intersektionaler Blick auf Femizide. Organized by Evangelische Akademie zu Berlin. talk

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  • Feminizidmap. (2022, forthcoming). “TBC”. In The Routledge International Handbook of Femicide and Feminicide. Edited by Saide Mobayed and Prof. Myrna Dawson. book chapter

  • Beeck, Hannah (2021). Männer töten Frauen, weil sie Frauen sind – auch in Deutschland. Panel discussion organized by Gleichstellungsbeauftragte Stadt Köln. talk

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  • de Luna Aldape, Alina and Isabel Müller (2021). Femi(ni)zid oder Frauenmord? Von der Notwendigkeit über Femi(ni)zide zu sprechen. In: UNEINS Nr. 1, S. 25-28. article

  • Beeck, Hannah (2021). Ni una menos! Feministischer Widerstand gegen Femizide. Organized by Feministische Bibliothek MONAliesA. talk

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  • Beeck, Hannah and Aleida Luján Pinelo (2021). FemTalk – von Hass zu Mord an Frauen. Exchange. Organized by e.V. talk

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  • Aleida Luján Pinelo (2021). Femi(ni)cide: an introduction. Workshop. Organized by the Berliner Netzwerk gegen Feminizide. workshop

  • Feminizidmap (2020). “Feminizidmap Project”. Newsletter thus by Dani Nikitenko. newsletter

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  • Luján Pinelo, Aleida and Hannah Beeck (2020). “Feminizidmap”. In: Broschüre Femizide in Deutschland, S. 23-24. Berlin: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung. article

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  • Luján Pinelo, Aleida and Hannah Beeck (2020). “Femi(ni)zide in Deutschland. Extreme Gewaltformen gegen Frauen*”. In: Lotta Magazin, S. 4-7. article

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  • Beeck, Hannah (2020). Feminicide Maps. Interview in Radio Corax interview

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Andere Beträge

  • Luján-Pinelo, Aleida. “Femi(ni)cide: A Cartography.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 49, no. 3 (2024). article

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  • Luján Pinelo, A. (2022). On Extreme Forms of Violence Against Women in Europe: Does Femi(ni)cide Exist in Germany?. In: Davinić, M., Kostić, S. (eds) Gender Competent Public Law and Policies. Gender Perspectives in Law, vol 2. Springer, Cham. paper

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  • Luján Pinelo, Aleida (2021). Research and documentation of femi(ni)cide in Germany. In: WomenBeing Magazine. Issue 2. article

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  • Beeck, Hannah (2021). Mediales Framing von Femi(ni)ziden und Tötungsdelikten an Frauen in Deutschland. Masterarbeit. Freie Universität Berlin. thesis

  • Luján Pinelo, Aleida (2019). Kritische Kommentierung zu den Keynotes. In: Dokumentation der Jahreskonferenz 2019 von DaMigra am 06.09.2019 in Erfurt. conference transcript

  • Luján, Aleida (2018). A theoretical approach to the concept of femi(ni)cide. In: Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence. Vol. 2. Issue 1. 40-63. doi: 10.22618/TP.PJCV.20171.1 article

  • Luján Pinelo, Aleida (2017). En Alemania “no hay feminicidios” según su gobierno pero en 2015 se registraron 311 feminicidios íntimos [According to the German government, there are no feminicides in Germany but, in 2015 311 intimate feminicides were registered]. In: Madrid. article

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  • Luján Pinelo, Aleida (2015). A theoretical approach to the concept of femicide/feminicide. MA Thesis: Utrecht University. monograph

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